

Name Tidycode T-Sql Formatter Tidycode Pl/Sql Formatter Tool Installer Pl/Sql Tidy
Perl 5 to Perl 6 Regular Expression Converter
It is a command line tool with Experimenter that formats/beautifies T-Sql. It is a command line tool with Experimenter that formats/beautifies Pl/Sql and Sql code Install programming tools into IDEs/Text Editors It is a command line tool that formats/beautifies Pl/Sql code. It is an online tool that converts regular expressions
40$ 60$ 22$ Free Free
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On-line C++ and Perl test here.

Software Programming Service/Consulting service

If you need some programming task to be done in one of these language or technologies
(ANTLR, C++, C, D, Perl, HTML, C#), use the form below.
The following services are provided:
- complete incomplete programs with limited documentation
- debug /fix them
- translate programs from one language to another
- design user interfaces/ databases
- design/research/ improve algorithms
- write translators/ program analysers/ compilers
- web page design


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